Want to learn more about our programs and ways to bring to
Do Happy Project to your school, preschool or center?
visit: dohappyproject.com

What is the Do Happy Project?​​
The Do Happy Project, is an action-based initiative bringing together activities of self-care, charity and movement. We are dedicated to helping children & adults alike re-think and
re-define "happy".​​
The Do Happy Project organically grew from the Warter Strong Foundation's mission to empower and inspire people, as well as to support
like-minded charities,committed to helping others
Do Happy every day.
The Do Happy Project is about an outlook.​ It represents an appreciation for life and all that you have.​ We live day to day with the idea that life doesn't have to be “perfect” or "easy" or even "go as planned" to be amazing.
In 2018, through the grass-root efforts of our family and friends, we found our mantra, Do Happy.
And now in 2021, that MANTRA
has become a MOVEMENT!!