As we prepare for Melissa Giordano to lead us as a community, it seems so fitting that just yesterday, another person from Warter Strong matched a woman in need of a stem cell/bone marrow transplant. Warter Strong was started to help Oren Warter but continues on in spirit to pay good forward, share positivity and help people realize that we are all in this world together...
On this beautiful Saturday afternoon, please join us at 2 pm at Powerflow Livingston for a free WARM (not hot) community class led by Melissa.
Her power, spirit and amazing playlist will help warm us and connect us together...
As always, if you have not entered into the registry-please consider doing so. You can get a kit sent to you by visiting www.giftoflife.org or consider making a donation to www.giftoflife.org/dc/warterstrong so we can help process kits in waiting and continue the mission to give families a chance at new life...
A special thanks to everyone who came out and supported Warter Strong and Gift of Life at Powerflow Livingston's Community class yesterday.
We raised amazing money to help our cause. But more importantly, we came together as a community... remembering and focusing on the "good and happy" in life.
I want to send out a huge thank you to Melissa Giordano for guiding us through our practice, supporting us emotionally and physically and teaching us that we are stronger than we realize if we focus breath to breath..,