People say all kinds of things when there is a tragedy.
“God only gives you what you can Handle” “There is a plan” “Things happen for a reason” “You are the strongest bravest...”
But the truth is life is complicated. Life is simple. It is everything in between.
It’s can have the most amazing highs and the most gut wrenching lows. But having been blessed to have Ryan in my world... the privilege to call him my son... the honor for him to lead his brothers and cousins and watch him love friends and family and see him grow day by day at the hands of his incredible doctors and most amazing staff and family anyone could ask for at the Phoenix Center is truly more than I can put to words.
And anyone who has the privilege of having Ryan in their world, and opening your heart to the raw simple pure beauty is so lucky and will be forever changed by this amazing child...
The only thing I know to be true... the truth I learned the day Ryan was born is that happiness is a choice and it comes from within. And no one taught me that more than living with Ryan every day. Even in my darkest hours, it’s impossible not to think of him without a smile or happy memory... Ryan exemplifies happiness... and in turn that is how we live and will continue to live...
Ryan was the king of the camera and this doesn’t scratch the surface... but just a few pictures of our very very very special “love”...
So please honor Ryan, think of us and share any pictures or stories you have with him... he will live on in all of us
With the greatest love in all of our hearts, Barbara, Zachary, Jake, Jeff, Corynne, Grant and Gillian